Friday 20 June 2014


“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.  Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.  All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.  A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.  Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.  Boldness has genious, power and magic in it.  Begin it now.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Snow again!!!

By now we should have being well prepared for the weather, but we are not. I must admit it looks absolutely beautiful when fresh snow arrives.

One should wrap up well before attempting to go for a walk. Yesterday with the cold wind and the freezing snow falling on your face was not exactly wonderful. Red noses all round it was! I wonder if the snow will remain till Christmas day...ah well, we shall have a white christmas then.

Beautiful V. call to tell me that her inlaw's arrived and that poor Edward had a fall and hurt his arm. I sincerely hope that he will get a good medical care there (Singapore). Not the best way to start the festive season, I wish him well.


The Summer started with the best weather. Cloudless days, soporiphic breezes. very clear skies and the warmth of Apollo's embrace...the sun!

One cannot ignore the momentum of a great Summer. As a buccaneer I took the season and enjoy the ride.

Starting all over again !

I did not make the effort to write my blog every single day, simply because I had no time or the inclination to do it.  Anyway,  I have now decided to start again.
The weather this year have a lot to be desired.  The cold lasted longer than usual, then, Spring suddenly appeared, turning my garden into an oasis of beauty with the azaleas and rhododendrons comming to an explossion of colour only to dessappeared like the whisper of a wind.  Even now I am not sure what to wear as I cannot trust the changing climate.
At least now I am playing Tennis more often.  I do Pilates and Yoga too.
Last week I went to the Theatre to see "The Passion Play",  Roy an I did enjoyed the whole outing experience.
Bye for now.

El cojo y el diablo

El cojo y el diablo

Se cuenta que en el Perú, durante la colonia, existía una bellísima mujer que acostumbraba pasear en su carruaje, bastante pomposo, todos los domingos a una hora determinada por la avenida principal de la ciudad de Lima, tomando rumbo a la iglesia. Había muchos galanes que salían a la calle a esa hora, con el exclusivo fin de verla pasar y admirar su hermosura.

Entre sus más fervientes admiradores, se encontraba un joven pordiosero, un vago, un malviviente de mala fama que tenía una pierna de palo, la ropa raída y la cara patibularia, enmarcada por una cabellera larga, bastante sucia y erizada. Como si fuera poco, la baba le escurría siempre que veía pasar a doña Elisa de Montenegro, que así se llamaba la hermosa y rica mujer.

Sabiendo el cojo que nunca se iba a fijar en él, decidió salir de la ciudad y visitar a una bruja para que le diera un filtro que hiciera que ella lo amara y de esta manera poder casarse con ella. La bruja le dio la receta con algunas recomendaciones: primero, debía ir, en noche de luna llena, a un campo apartado y allí encender cuatro velas, luego dibujar un círculo en la tierra con un pedazo de madera que fuera arrancado de un ataúd y que el muerto haya sido un joven mozo.

Segundo: en el centro del círculo debía como ofrenda quemar una pata de gallo rojo, tres colas de lagartija, una cabeza de perro negro, veinte hormigas y un ojo de sapo. Con todo esto y otros ingredientes, el cojo salió al campo en una noche de luna y siguiendo las instrucciones de la bruja procedió a quemar los productos en el centro del círculo, al mismo tiempo que pronunciaba las palabras cabalísticas para invocar al diablo.

No tardó en levantarse una enorme bola de fuego y una columna de humo y olor a azufre, donde asomó la cara del horrible personaje..

–¿Por qué me molestas? ¿Qué puede pedirme un hombre como tú?

–Señor de los infiernos, quiero que me concedas tres deseos, –le dijo–. Primero: que me des mucho dinero; segundo: que me hagas el más bello y simpático de los jóvenes; y tercero: que me consigas para que sea mi mujer a la hermosísima doña Elisa.

El diablo, luego de meditar un poco, le respondió así: –Si quieres dinero, trabaja, vago de porquería! Tú no serías simpático, ni volviendo a nacer; y en cuanto a doña Elisa, ya la quisiera yo para mí, desgraciado. Y desapareció el diablo dejando otra vez el fuerte olor del azufre.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

"Don Carlo" by Verdi

My Sunday was a very especial one, as I went to the Royal Opera House, to enjoy a magnificent and spectacular show.
Opera is one of the most complete artistic form on the stage as it conveys not only music, but also poetry. The acting of the main characters are paramount as their voices will carry the messages in their different roles
The atmosphere in the Theatre is always electrifying. I was in box 38 so the view was wonderful.
The story is not only the normal love triangle, it carries the heavy burden of the religious politics of the time, when heresy was anything the Catholic Church saw as sin against their power, and love was no more than a dream.
Don Carlo is a very intense drama, conveying the ill wills of the time, when many innocents died by the order of the church who manipulated the kings and queens of Europe to do their dirty deed.
Impresive voices, elegant costumes, exquisite music, great drama indeed. Don Carlo is full of that and more. Long and truly wonderful opera. What a joy!